Advertising Opportunities

Want to increase your exposure and reach nearly 700 business leaders in the A/E/C industry? You are invited to advertise in HCC’s e-newsletter!

HCC emails out a newsletter to its membership every other Thursday (with the exception of holidays). The newsletter is sent to approximately 650 members. (The weeks between, an event email is sent out, which features HCC events only.)

Members are invited to submit events, job postings, RFP opportunities, etc. that will be placed as text. If members or non-members would like to advertise visually, please see rates below.


Member Rates

Members can advertise in the weekly newsletter for $100/week or the discounted rate of $350/4 weeks. Please note that members are invited to submit event and announcements (text only) at no cost.

Non-Member Rates

Non-HCC members can advertise in the weekly newsletter for $150/week or the discounted rate of $550/4 weeks. 

Rush Rates

If your event, RFP or announcement is occuring after the HCC newsletter goes out, we are happy to send a dedicated email promoting your news on your behalf for $150/email for members or $200/email for non-members.

Advertising Specs

Ads must be submitted to by Tuesday at 5 pm the week prior to it being published in the newsletter. Ads must be saved as a jpg or png and must be 800×400 (see below). Full color is acceptable and all text must be outlined.